YES Employee Spotlight | April 2019

The Best Recruiting Professionals in Utah Work at Your Employment Solutions!

This month we would like to Spotlight an Employee who not only has personal ties to YES and the recruiting world, but has a genuine love for helping people and upholding the highest level of customer service possible, Kirk Westenskow!

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Thank You Kirk Westenskow | YES April 2019 Spotlight

Kirk has plenty of experience in the world of recruiting, but is still fairly new to the YES way of recruiting. Nevertheless, he has fit right in from the beginning and has excelled at his new role as an Account Manager at our Corporate office! Kirk is friendly and fun loving with a witty sense of humor. He brings energy and pride to the team and we are so excited to have him as our April Employee Spotlight.

We asked Kirk to answer 11 questions about work and life. Here’s what he had to say:

1. Five things you enjoy.

  • FOOD (Seafood)  I didn’t get this fat on accident. I have never met a buffet I didn’t feel an emotional attachment to…. I used to be skinny—really skinny—108 lbs as a Junior in High School. I kicked the crap out of that!
  • Water – Ocean, Lakes, rivers, swimming pools… That’s when the real Kirk comes out of this shell.
  • My family.  Very important to me. I love them all (even Kerry—years of therapy have helped me to admit that) ?
  • Capturing and editing videos.
  • Sports – Love following them all and playing (poorly)

2. Two things you don’t.

  • Snakes and spiders… shivers

3. What do you like most about working at YES?
I love the culture. I love knowing that I don’t have to compromise my ethics and standards to hit goals. If I am doing what is best for our clients and employees—then I know YES will have my back.

4. What do you think would make YES better?
More. This company is so amazing–all we need is more–more clients, more good employees.

5. If you could meet anyone, who?
Tricky question. Alive or dead???  I’m going with alive—Andrew Zimmern. Mr. Bizarre Foods. 

6. Your favorite place in the world.
Ocean! On a sailboat on the Ocean.

7. What’s the best movie or story of all time about a boat?
I think I would go with the first Pirates of the Caribbean–Curse of the Black Pearl.

8. What is the number one challenge you face in your job?
Separating my desire to help place employees in jobs and then listening to my gut feeling about if this person will REALLY benefit our clients.

9. What do you think is the best way to meet that challenge?
Keeping in mind of how I would feel if I were the client and this person was coming to my facility to work and produce for us.

10. What would you tell someone looking into working with YES?
Same thing I wrote in my blog of how to survive the 1st day.  Get your “why?” in order.

11. You,YES CEO Reed Laws, and your brother YES CFO Kerry Westenskow go on an ocean boat trip and end up marooned on a desert island. Which characters from Gilligan’s Island do you each become? Why?
I see Reed as the Skipper because of his take-charge nature.  Kerry would be either the professor or Ginger (if he can leave his evening gowns and makeup home).  I’m sure I would be Gilligan—I am a natural at being a bit of a goofball….

Thanks for being a true example of great customer service for us, our applicants, our employees, and our clients, Kirk! You are awesome!

Alison Evans
Human Resources Manager
Your Employment Solutions

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